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Visit Proof Digital
We connect you with customers who are looking online for businesses just like yours.

Website Design Process


Round Out Your Package

G-Suite Migration

Our G Suite migration services cover set up of professional email with access to shared internal calendars. We will also consult on how to implement a cloud file storage system. The well-executed deployment of a new system is critical to ensuring successful adoption from your team.

Price: $100/user

Website Chat Feature

Studies have shown that live chat helps to increase sales. Customers that use live chat are three times more likely to make purchases versus those who don’t. Live chat provides your website visitors with instant access to salespeople and support staff.

Price: $500

Heat Mapping & Polling

Heat Maps help gauge the effectiveness of your page content. Use them to validate the effectiveness of the visuals on your website. Do visitors notice them? Is there are a certain part of the page where user engagement drops off?
Includes set up of a polling question for future site visitors.

Price: $500

Social Media Management

unINK will launch social media accounts or take over existing social media accounts. This includes a social media manager who is dedicated to expanding your brand online.

Price: $750/mo

Launch Your Email Newsletter

We will advise and launch a CASL compliant email, custom design newsletter to communicate with your existing clients. Use your newsletter to announce your new website and to keep in touch with your.
Single email is charged a $250 set-up fee (for account set-up & list import).

Price: $650/email (monthly, quarterly or one-time

Online Advertising

Have us take care of your banner, video, social or remarketing advertising for you.
Expand your reach on Instagram, Snapchat, Bing, LinkedIN and More!

Price: $500/mo per campaign

Meet & Greet

Step 01

Client, meet your dream team of Account Manager & Creative Lead; ready to catapult your business to the heights of the online world! We sit down to establish your objectives, what looks you love, any special website requirements, and simply to get to know one another.

Building the framework

Step 02

We take all of the information gathered from our meet and greet and start building the foundation. We determine the most important content on your site and how to best highlight it. We review it with you and ensure everything looks structurally intact.

Making it beautiful

Step 03

Once we know the framework, we set to work on the aesthetics. We carefully consider your existing brand and business presence, while bringing a fresh look and perspective to your website. We are specialists at laying out content in a digestible, appealing way that effortlessly takes your viewers on a journey throughout your site.

Ta-da Presentation

Step 04

The big reveal– start practicing your ooh’s and ahh’s! This is where the magic happens and you see it all come together for the first time. You get a thorough understanding of the direction the site is taking, have an opportunity to show it to a few key people, and get us your feedback and any final edits you would like to see.

Refine, review, repeat

Step 05

We take the feedback from the big reveal and make the final adjustments to your site. Every page is reviewed with a fine-toothed comb, every link is clicked, and every setting is dialed in. Lastly, we put your new site through the lab; running site speed tests, browser-compatibility and fill out contact forms to make sure it is bullet proof. We then hand the site over to you for one final look through and wait for your signal before we flip the switch.

Hit 'Live'

Step 06

We flip that switch, hook your domain up and get your brand spanking new website up on the web so you can start showing it off and sharing it with all of your friends and new customers!

Support & follow-up

Step 07

We follow up in the weeks after the launch to make sure everything is running smoothly. We provide and walk you through a training document to help you navigate through updates and changes to your site. And of course, if you run into any issues or have any questions we are always easy to reach, even years down the road.