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We connect you with customers who are looking online for businesses just like yours.

Digital Ads


Years Experience


millions managed


Companies Helped


Smarter Ad Buying

Marketing efforts are guided by strategy. Your marketing agency should be able to help you define the objectives associated with that strategy. Then lay out smart digital tactics to help accomplish those objectives while tracking the ongoing performance of those tactics.

unINK use tools like Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixel to track meaningful events and show our clients a return on their advertising investments. We use a host of tactics to help accomplish client objectives. Including:

  1. Geo-Fencing - Targeting Competitors & Industry Related Tradeshows

  2. Optimising Campaigns for Conversion

  3. Running Campaigns with Multiple Conversion Types - Calls, Chats, Emails, Traffic and Check-outs

  4. Retargeting - Building Ad Audiences Based On Your Existing Site Traffic

  5. Look-A-Like Audiences - Building Ad Audiences Consisting Of People Who Do The Same Things As Your Existing Audience (e.x. Reaching people who visit websites like yours, but have not yet been to yours)

  6. Behavioural Targeting - Target potential customers demonstrating an interest in your products and services

  7. Dynamic Ads - Frequent, Automated Ad Updates for a truly personalised ad experience

  8. Artificial Intelligence - Campaigns being optimised by cutting edge AI built by Google & Facebook

  9. Unit Specific Ads - Automated Ad development for every vehicle, home, boat, tractor, RV, etc

  10. Constantly Optimised search ads

  11. Comparative campaign performance reporting powered by benchmetrics *link this to benchies


Website & Traffic Package


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Search Ads

Search Engine Marketing often referred to as "SEM" for short are some of the oldest and most perfected types of digital advertising formats available. We work with clients to understand the context around when and why a potential customer might search for the products and services they sell. We then research the best phrases and terms to target and bid on to ensure your ads show to the right people, at the right time, in the areas your business serves. SEM is typically the bedrock of the digital advertising campaigns unINK runs.

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Display Ads

Display Ads or banner ads are the main revenue generator for most websites on the internet. unINK buys banner ad placements for our clients through the Google Display Network and Facebook audience Network (which includes Instagram). Google's ad network is estimated to reach up to 90% of all internet users, while Facebook's reaches over 1 billion internet users per month.

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Video Ads

The average attention span of internet users continues to drop (around 8 seconds). Successful video ads should aim to be compelling right out of the gate, that usually means highly visual with a strong call-to-action. Oh yeah, and if you're able to get 5 seconds of undivided attention, consider that a win. The world of video ads is expanding. unINK serves ads on computers, phones, tablets, consoles, streaming devices and smart TV's! Unlike traditional television ads, digital ads can be tracked and measured accurately for ROI. Contact us to learn more about how digital videos can integrate into your marketing strategy.

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Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising

unINK is a Saskatchewan heavyweight in all types of digital advertising. Our founder has been doing it for the past 11 years and has managed over $11+ million in digital advertising dollars for companies across Canada. Advertising is a reflection of where people spend their time, and that increasingly is, online.

Google, Facebook and other advertising fueled technology companies have made the barrier to entry extremely low for advertisers. The more money spent, the more money they make. But that also means billions of dollars are wasted. If you don't see a direct impact on your bottom line from your advertising efforts, you better be learning from the outcomes. If you're running digital ads and still feel uncomfortable about what you're getting from your advertising, it's time for us to chat.